Fathers Day

on Sunday, June 21, 2009

today june 21st is "WORLDS FATHERS DAY"

First of all i wish everyone a happy fathers day.

Now i will post something about fathers or i will be comfortable [most of u i suppose] saying it DaD.
a general boys psychology will be like

age 4 : my DaD is great
6 : my DaD knows everything
10 : DaD is good person but gets angry on me often :-( John's father is better
12 : I used to like my DaD, he used to get whatever i ask
16 : [Teenage] DaD doesn't know about internet or computers. He doesnt know anything.
18 : He is getting old.
20 : I wonder how my mother get along with my DaD
25 : He says no to everything. i wonder if he ever understands this world.
35 : [boy is a father now] my DaD rise me with discipline now my boy is not even listening to me.
45 : My DaD rise all my siblings well, but i am getting troubled just for one
50 : DaD is lucky, he rise all of us [ study, jobs ...] in a planned way.

i dont know how many will think like this but this is a general survey results of many psychologists.

now i will tell about a boy, i have in mind. lets call him "S"
This boy in my story is born in a poor family and his dad works hard to rise him [his mother too]
he receives very little affection from his father and he all scolds and beats his mother. he used to watch him drink and smoke, which leads to beating his mother. he got those imprinted on his mind and grew up. he studied well and after 12th he got admission into a top enggineering college in INDIA. his brother is in states and is doing well. But his father didnt change yet. he does the scolding now too.

i dont know how many children are like this. i know a quiet a number of them. i dont want to mention anything about the happy families, coz they are happy. Everyone like to share happiness but a true friend is one who share the sad feeling.

i want to give a suggestion to some fathers and i want these to be followed by ones who are about to become one
1. love your child and wife
2. talk with them often and share your experience
3. go out with them often [church, concert, park, sports,..]
4. take them to shopping and let them have according to their wish and dont embaress them
5. celebrate with your family any occasion.
6. beat them when they do mistake
bible says
Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.
You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.
7. let them have if its not bad. but give your opinion, its very valuable
8. have trust and little doubt

last of all, i have seen news of few raping their own daughters and grand daughters. this is one of the most saddest thing ever we want to hear. protest against these and kill the ba****** who does these.

if u wish to share something with me please post on comments or mail me.

have a nice day :-)


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