Gaming Mouse

on Thursday, June 25, 2009

Recently I have been searching a lot of information regarding "Gaming Mouse", So i Thought of Sharing it With u.
First of all i will list a few best gaming mouse producers
1. razer
2. steelseries
3. microsoft
4. logitech
these 4 companies share the majority of market.
now coming to mouses the
a. razer's [deathadder] [copperhead] [diamondhead] [mamba] [krait] [lachesis]
b. steelseries [ikari]
c. microsoft [intellipoint] [habu] [x8]
d. logitech [Mx series] [G series]

now iam not going to say which is best, but iam going to give information which will be useful for u to decide which suits u. Many professional gamers use the above said mouses.

If u want to See the function of these mouses in real-time there are many video reviews on and i suggest u go to for best customer reviews.

there are 3 kinds of ways u can hold a mouse claw grip, finger grip and palm grip [ google to know what's ur's]. There are a few factors which u must keep in mind to buy a mouse
1. left or right hander
2. low or high senstive user
3. weight of mouse
4. size of mouse
5. optical, laser or IR
6. Wired or wireless
7. Most important MONEY [go to for this one]

Now there are Some Mouses Especially designed for right handers, almost all mouse work for right but if ur left carefully choose one. Now dpi of the mouse almost dont matter, i dont find many who uses 4000 or 5000 dpi [dots per inch]. Many gaming mouses come with 1600-2000 dpi which suits almost everyone. Now if u must know how heavy the mouse must be to suit for u, some mouse even gives weights to change instantaneously. I personally dont like laser mouses, so if ur one of my kind u must keep this in mind too.
And now coming to budget, razers are little costly but their performance deserves it and they use th 3G IR sensor which works Extra-Ordinary way. MX 518 is the mouse iam using from 1 year its cheap and very good. If ur going for gaming mouse first time i suggest u this one.

Some Mouses are USB specific, i dont mean they work on only one port. They work on all port but drivers Work on only the one u installed on i.e u must reinstall them if u ever change the port.

U must also keep the ergonomics in mind else u will suffer wrist strain on long usage. Wired or Wireless also does matter a lot, not that wireless gets interference but some get used to wire resistance, this sometimes play an important role.

P.S : I Used to wonder how razer comes up with some wierd names actually they are the names of the snakes :P, Even one can Get that From its logo.
Microsoft habu is a joint venture with razer

i hope u like this information
[G]ood ]L]uck [H]ave [F]un


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